

 Trauma Healing

Starting May 8th-June 12th

Trauma Healing is a 7-week small group class intended to help those who have experienced deep wounds connect with God and find the path to ongoing restoration. Uniting proven mental health practices and biblical wisdom, Trauma Healing allows participants to safely share their stories, reflect on God's presence with those who suffer, and learn about the role of lament and forgiveness as healing is sought at the foot of the cross. 

There are no easy answers, and healing from trauma is not a one-time-event, but we believe this group can be a meaningful part of healing and asking God to help us find hope and joy in spite of the pain we have experienced.

This group will utilize a curriculum created by the Trauma Healing Institute, which is a part of the American Bible Society.
Space is limited to 10-12 people per class. The course is designed for participants to attend each of the 6 sessions. The Trauma Healing course will be offered regularly at Hope Church. If you are interested in signing up - please complete the form below to save your spot!

Trauma Healing Sign Up:


I.D. Recovery

Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in the Chapel

At Hope, we believe that everyone is in need of recovery from something. Every person either uses or has used something that distorts our identity as image bearers of God. One of the ways we seek healing and freedom together is through our weekly I.D. Recovery meeting. I.D. Recovery (Identity Recovery) is a Christ-centered approach to the 12 steps. We meet together every week to share our experiences, struggles, strength and hope in a safe, gracious, loving and completely confidential space. 

Everyone is invited to this meeting whether you are seeking freedom from drugs, alcohol, pornography, control, co-dependency, anger, etc. 


Spiritual Formation

Starting May 19th-July 14th


In a world filled with so much distraction and noise, the need for a space to reflect, grow and deepen our spiritual roots is undeniable. Whether we are new apprentices of Jesus or have been walking with Him for years, we are all invited into deeper union with Him through the spiritual practices.

With that said, we are excited to extend the invitation to you for our upcoming Spiritual Formation class where we will embark on a transformative nine-week journey exploring the major spiritual practices through an interactive curriculum developed over many years by one of our pastors, Cameo Godinho.

Please join us as we walk hand in hand, supporting and uplifting one another on this beautiful and sacred journey of Spiritual Formation. "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2 Cor. 3:18)